
In 1992, a group of parents, well-aware of their mission as the principal educators of their sons, came together with some teachers to set up the PAREF-Westbridge School.

Through the academic institution, PAREF Westbridge School for Boys, professional teachers collaborate with the parents in their mission, by providing a balanced and demanding academic and personal formation for their sons.

Through the family of parents and its formative activities, the parents want to become excellent educators of their sons.

Educating the person in responsible freedom

PAREF has a personal approach to education. Each student is seen as a unique person, gifted with intelligence and free will, the capacity to shape his life and to be ultimately responsible for it. It is he who is the main agent of his own learning and formation.

Thus, an essential feature of the PAREF system of education is the Mentorial chat, by which each student is assigned a personal formation Mentor for his character development and to guide him to become wise – aware of himself and of what is right, of his freedom and his responsibility for total personal development.

Family atmosphere

PAREF Westbridge is an extension of the family. That is why the school’s environment is that of a bright and cheerful home, which is both demanding and understanding. The atmosphere of serious study, work and discipline combines with a family spirit of generous self-giving, sincerity, trust, friendship and care.

Christian inspiration

The founders of the Parents for Education Foundation, Inc., or PAREF, were inspired by the teachings of Saint Josemaria Escriva. Faithful to the teaching office of the Catholic Church, the founder of Opus Dei taught that all men are called to sanctity, a combination of human excellence and supernatural greatness. Thus, the ultimate goal of educators in PAREF Westbridge is that the students live according to the Christian ideal.

Parents and teachers: educating themselves first

Saint Josemaria also provided the foundation of the educational philosophy of PAREF: Parents first, teachers second, students last. Children learn and develop most where the parents and teachers together strive to form themselves to become effective educators and inspiring examples of love of learning and virtue. Thus, another essential feature of PAREF schools is the close, friendly collaboration between home and school, between parents and teachers.

PAREF Westbridge and Society

Bound together by a passion for unity, the PAREF Westbridge family of parents, teachers, officers, administrative staff, students and alumni realizes that its best contribution to society are

  1. the total formation of its students, whom PAREF Westbridge envisions to become models and leaders, and
  2. the formation of parents so that they build truly Christian families,   cells of a great society.