Mission and Vision
“Homines Integritatis” - Men of Integrity
We envision our graduates to be MEN OF INTEGRITY; holistically formed, true men of character who contribute to the common good of society.

Mission Statement
We, the PAREF Westbridge family of parents, teachers, staff, students, and alumni are dedicated to fulfill our Vision.
1. We strengthen and unite the family as an institution of society, enabling the parents to exercise their role as primary educators of their sons, with the teachers as their active partners.
2. We equip our teachers with the means to become respected authorities in their fields.
3. We provide training and formation to our administrative staff so that they become respected professionals and models of excellence in service.
4. We provide a balanced and demanding academic and personal formation for our students so that they live according to the Christian ideal.
5. We provide opportunities for continuing formation for our alumni.
6. We keep our campus elegant, outstandingly clean and orderly, faithful to our spirit of Christian poverty, as part of the necessary means to achieve excellence.
We, the PAREF Westbridge family, trUSTing in God’s grace, move as one body, work as one team, act as one family, to make our vision a reality.