School Seal

PAREF Westbridge Seal
Vinta: The vinta, a sturdy Filipino boat, is the PAREF symbol. It stands for the educational philosophy shared by all the schools that belong to the PAREF system.
Three Stars: These signify the three foundation virtues that the school shall try to instill in every PAREF WESTBRIDGE student:
a) COMPETENCE – every PAREF WESTBRIDGE student should aspire to acquire the necessary competence in every aspect of his formative years with our school: intellectually competent, well-informed and resourceful.
b) INTEGRITY – PAREF WESTBRIDGE differs from many other schools in that we intend to provide our students with a total formation that transcends merely intellectual development. We want every PAREF WESTBRIDGE student to undergo a thorough preparation to lead a moral life, a life that is upright and virtuous, with direction and correct orientation.
c) SPIRIT OF SERVICE – concern for the welfare of the others and the desire to be of help to one’s neighbors shall be fostered among our students. Only in this way can we be true to our name of being a BRIDGE to the others. Every PAREF WESTBRIDGE student should aspire to transmit whatever good he has received from the school to those around him.
Three Wavy Lines: (aside from appearing like the wavy sea in the middle of the seal) These represent the three sets of major players in the school: the parents, the teachers and the students. Since they all go together in the same direction, they appear to be forming two solid blocks, symbolizing the harmony that PAREF schools have always intended to provide between the FAMILY and the SCHOOL.
Fish: The lower part of the seal, which is in green, holds a fish. This signifies the way by which PAREF WESTBRIDGE shall provide formation to the students. JUST as fish is caught “by the head”, we also intend to form our students to become “virtuous persons” by going to the head – providing them with all the necessary preparations and giving them solid doctrinal criteria.
PAREF Westbridge Motto
Our school motto is written at the bottom of the seal. It is in Latin: Duc In Altum. It means, “Launch out into the deep.” In consonance with the three foundational virtues, PAREF WESTBRIDGE shall form you intellectually (competence) and morally (integrity). But more than jUST acquiring these good qualities, we want our students to LAUNCH OUT and reach out to the others (service).
School Hymn
Hymn of the Magnificent Splendor
Westbridgenis, Mater Amabilis
Offshoot we are of your noble aim
Sojourning brood of the Highest Order
Generous hands, joyful hearts, upright minds,
Intense zeal with determined will
To You, are our pledge, our oaths, our vows!
Family of parents, mentors and the young
Tri – star builder of the living home!
Passersby that leave behind furrows of goodwill
Launching into the deep of the End Divine!
Forgers of the nation towards a perfect union,
Beacon of truth to this Land and to the world.
Children, we are, of your magnificent splendor!
Westbridge, O amiable, Our Alma Mater.
Gaudeamus Igitur
Gaudeamus igitur, juvenes dum sumus;
Gaudeamus igitur, juvenes dum sumus;
Post jucundam juventutem
Post molestam senectutem
Nos habebit humus, nos habebit humus.
Vivat academia, vivant professores!
Vivat academia, vivant professores!
Vivat membrum quod libet
Vivant membra quae libet
Semper sint in flore!
Semper sint in flore!
Westbrigensis floreat quae nos educavit!
Alma mater floreat, quae nos educavit!
Caros et commilitones
Dissitas in regiones,
Sparsos congregavit,
Sparsos congregavit