St. Josemaria Escriva And Opus Dei

Christian Inspiration
The founders of the Parents for Education Foundation, Inc., or PAREF, were inspired by the teachings of Saint Josemaría Escrivá. Faithful to the teaching office of the Catholic Church, the founder of Opus Dei taught that all men are called to sanctity, a combination of human excellence and supernatural greatness. Thus, the ultimate goal of educators in Westbridge is that the students live according to the Christian ideal.
Parents and Teachers: Educating Themselves First Saint Josemaría also provided the foundation of the educational philosophy of PAREF: parents first, teachers second, students last. Children learn and develop most where the parents and teachers together strive to form themselves to become effective educators and inspiring examples of love of learning and virtue. Thus, another essential feature of PAREF schools is the close, friendly collaboration between home and school, between parents and teachers.