Virtues of the Month

The Vitues Of A Westbridge Gentlemen
The Virtues of the Westbridge Gentlemen (VWG) envision excellent and happy human beings which every member of the Westbridge family strives to become. The twelve virtues that comprise the list are taken from natural philosophy (cardinal virtues), Old Testament revelation (10 commandments) and revelation from the New Testament (8 Beatitudes).
The cardinal virtues first formulated by Plato refer to the perfections of all the main faculties of the human being and to the perfecting elements of all virtues. The 10 commandments form the basic structure of human morality and therefore of all moral virtues. “They teach us the true humanity of man. They bring to light the essential duties, and therefore, the fundamental rights inherent in the nature of the human person” (Catechism of the Catholic Church 2070). The beatitudes offer a description of the fundamental qualities of personal excellence, for they “depict the countenance of Jesus Christ and portray his charity” (CCC 1717). They “contain in embryo, the whole program of Christian perfection” (Navarre Bible, Commentary on Matthew 5,2).
June: Study | July: Order | August: Truthfulness | September: Charity | October: Generosity | November: Obedience | December: Love for God | January: Fortitude | February: Self-discipline | March: Cheerfulness | April: Loyalty | May: Responsibility